Dreamwalk Records
Dreamwalk Records

Dreamwalk Records

Hey everyone I’ve had a pretty crazy year. I have grown my team by double. The year started out by singing for Lionel Richie, Katy Perry, Luke Bryan. I met some really cool people including and Phredley Brown in LA. I was able to play the Viper Room, El Cid, the federal bar, North End Hollywood and Silverlake lounge.

I’m proud to announce that through all of our hard work I’ve been able to sign a recording contract with Dreamwalk records. This is a record label backed by the cofounder of VEVO and sync house Bleed 101 out of Los Angeles. Drew Marcum started this record label in the electronic and pop genre.

I will be recording singles first and eventually a full album. If all goes well I look forward to growing this record label to be a top label in the pop space.

My first song hold on will be released through Dreamwalk records on November 4. Thank you for everything from those that have streamed the music, come to shows and purchased Murch. It means everything to me and this is the first step at the base of a very tall mountain. I hope you all will climb with me.
